Jan 31st- 6 pm followed by a shortened “Adult” service at 7pm. Please rsvp!
We walk until all the Hostages are home!! NOTE: NEW TIME: 10am! Meet at Earl Brown Park by Pavillion near the Sanborn Center. See the flyer for more information.
An ~ 18 minute Walk around the Lake at Earl Brown Park – Each Sunday- Meet near Pavillion – Wear Red
Although there is a weekly walk in DeLand, we encourage our community to join the local group of the global grassroots movement -Run For Their Lives, #BringThemHomeNow on Sunday, Oct. 6th at 9am, to show support and bring awareness for the 101 remaining Hostages on the 365 day of their captivity. It is a short walk – and if you…
RunForTheirLives #Bring Them Home – a (short) Walk until all the Hostages are returned home! Each Sunday @ 9am – Earl Brown Park – meet near the Sandborn Center – by Pavillion – wear a Red shirt if you have. Please let Steph or Jenna know if you are coming so we can all walk together! Email tiodsisterhood@gmail.com if you…
Please come to Shul to check out our items for purchase. If you need a gift or item, please email sisterhood and we can try to get the item(s) you want. Todah Rabah!